Welcome to Chez Discovery...

Eagle's view of Labillardiere Estate...

Decks with views...

Restful bedrooms...

Five acres of wetlands to walkabout...

Extraordinary sunsets...

Tall Eucalypts Viminalis where endangered Forty Spotted Pardalotes live...

Long Beach one of five to roam...

Fire dam with jetty for a picnic...

Ever changing moods...

Odyssey Studio a short walk to set your creative self free...

At Lighthouse Beach...

Cloudy Bay Lagoon is on your way...

Boating fun

Variety Bay, Bruny Island is so gorgeous...

Incredible clouds...

Cape Bruny our southern neighbour...

Fancy flying in to the property?

Out on the water ...

Guests are amazed at their inner talents...

Apricot bounty...

Thelymitra flexuosa, one of many species of orchids found here..
Fresh garden produce from the veggie tent...

Bruny Island's rare White Wallaby...

Make you own ephemeral art...

Pied Oyster Catchers are permanent residents...

White Breasted Sea Eagles nest on Labillardiere Estate...

Australian Fur Seals at the Friars...

Silver Back Seagulls abound...

Two Tree Point...

Lapwings feeding in Mavista Creek...

Adventure Bay to explore...

The island is a photographic opportunity...

Cattle egrets are spectacular...

Boat houses...

Penguin Island magic...

Evening reflections...

Sandstone sculptures...